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Showing posts from September, 2017
A tool to identify Place-based Policy 
 When people, in Finland at least, hear the words Place-based Policy they think of many different things. Some may think that it is about village action and like it for that. Others might think: At last there is a policy to support the municipalities. Also: In community planning some actors, quite cleverly, try to build schools, community centers. libraries, sport centers and such, next to each other to make shared use or the facilities, and call that Place-based Policy. Some people might react negatively, thinking that this is some kind of backward regionalism.
 As we see it, we need to agree what PBP is about, some kind of description of the phenomena. Otherwise the discussion will just be confusing and we will never get anywhere.
 Of course, there are a lot of reports and books about PBP, such as the famous Barca-report. 
 ( )
 There is also a nic
- a study circle About this blog

 We call this blog a study circle. This means that everyone takes part as an equal,  no teachers or experts are above the others. 
A study circle is a part of the Bildung tradition. (I have not found any English word for Bildung but I have seen it explained as a combination of Education, Culture and Development.) The study circle has a starting point and focus but the process is open ended.  We are not sure where you end up.

 The starting point for this blog is, as on all wanted posters, a description. What do we mean when we say Place-based Policy? We are not aiming at a clear definition, just something simple that makes everyone “stay on the same page”.
PBP is a tricky concept because if you try hard you might find something that could be considered place-based in almost all policies. WHITEWASH- WARNING! Some people are claiming that they are practicing PBP already. But perhaps they just don'